Engine Oils
Important compatibility info
Oil Specification | Mercedes MB 229.3, PSA B71 2300, Renault RN0700, RN0710, VW 502.00, VW 505.00, Fiat 9.55535.G2, D2 |
Title | Valvoline Synpower 10W40 - 5 Litre |
Type | Engine Oil |
Volume | 5 L |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Function | Engine Oil |
Grade | Multigrade |
ACEA specification | A3/B3, A3/B4 |
API specification | SN/CF |
SAE Viscosity | 10W-40 |
Extra Description | SynPower™ 10W-40 |
Oil | Part Synthetic Oil |
Capacity | 5 L |
Manufacturer Release | MB 229.3, RENAULT RN 0700, RENAULT RN 0710, VW 502 00, VW 505 00 |
Specification | PSA B71 2300 |
Key Words | SynPower |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions. Designed to fulfil the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Special additives prevent the formation of sludge and harmful deposits inside the engine
- In the Volkswagen DID test for direct injected diesel engines, SynPower SAE 10W-40 delivers optimum performance with regards to piston cleanliness and ring sticking
- Formulated for excellent product stability. Long lasting performance and suitable for long drain intervals
- Approved: Renault RN0700/RN0710, VW Standard 502.00/505.00 Meets: ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API: SM, SN/CF
- MB 229.3, PSA B71 2300. Recommended for use where Fiat 9.55535.G2 or D2 is specified.
Important compatibility info
Oil | Full Synthetic Oil |
Title | Valvoline SynPower ENV C1 5W30 - 5 Litre |
ACEA specification | C1 |
Type | Engine Oil |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Capacity | 5 L |
Extra Description | SynPower™ ENV C1 5W-30 |
Function | Engine Oil |
Manufacturer Release | Ford WSSM2C934-B, STJLR 03.5005 |
Oil Specification | Ford WSSM2C934-B, Jaguar Landrover STJLR 03.5005 |
Volume | 5 L |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-30 |
Grade | Multigrade |
Key Words | SynPower; ENV; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions. Designed to fulfil the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Specifically designed for use with emission control systems like DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) and TWC (Three Way Catalyst). Low SAPS output makes the emission control system last longer
- Special additives prevent the formation of sludge and harmful deposits inside the engine
- Keeps engine extremely clean by minimizing deposits
- Approved: Jaguar Land Rover STJLR 03.5005 Meets: ACEA C1 and C2
- Recommended for in-warranty service fill where Ford WSSM2C934-B is required, Meets requirements of Land Rover, Jaguar, Mitsubishi *Check owner’s manual before use
Important compatibility info
SAE Viscosity | 0W-20 |
Extra Description | Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 V R-Tec 2 |
Type | Engine Oil |
Oil Specification | ACEA C5, API SN, ILSAC GF-5, BMW LL-17 FE+, MB 229.71, Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE, Opel OV0401547, GM Dexos D |
Oil - manufacturer recommendation | BMW LL-17, Opel OV 040 1547, JLR STJLR 03-5006-1, Ford WSS-M2C947-B1, Ford WSS-M2C962-A1, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Chrysler MS-12145 |
Specification | ACEA C5-21, C6-21, API SP with RC, ILSAC GF-6A |
Function | Engine Oil |
Oil | Synthetic Oil |
Manufacturer Release | MB 229.71 |
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE | 0W-20 |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Capacity | 5 l |
Additional Information
Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 2 is suitable for the latest fuel-efficient cars meeting Euro 6 where 0W-20 SAE grade is recommended.
It keeps hot running engine components clean including the prevention of deposit in Turbochargers.
The SAPS level ensures after-treatment operation over its lifetime including engines equipped with Gasoline Particulate Filters.
Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 2 also provides multiple 0W-20 OEM specifications on one oil. This reduces complexity and the need to stock several oils.
The product delivers a high fuel economy in the latest OEM specifications. Delivers cleanliness and turbocharger protection in highly loaded engines
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 0W20 Gm Eco - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Low speed pre-ignition prevention
- Excellent fuel efficiency
- Ensures consistent lubricant performance over extended drain intervals
- Compatible with petrol particulate filters
Important compatibility info
Packing Type | Bottle |
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE | 15W-40 |
Manufacturer Release | MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS |
Oil | Mineral Oil |
Capacity | 5 l |
Oil - manufacturer recommendation | GLOBAL DHD-1, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78, CATERPILLAR ECF-2/EC |
SAE Viscosity | 15W-40 |
Extra Description | Carlube Triple T 15W-40 SHPD E7 |
Function | Engine Oil |
Type | Engine Oil |
Specification | ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C |
Important compatibility info
ACEA specification | C2 |
Volume | 5 L |
Function | Engine Oil |
Oil Specification | FORD WSS-M2C950-A, JAGUAR LAND ROVER STJLR.03.5007 |
Other Part Number | Oil Grade 0W-30 |
Grade | Multigrade |
Capacity | 5 L |
SAE Viscosity | 0W-30 |
Type | Engine Oil |
Extra Description | NAPA FD 0W-30 ECO LS |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Key Words | FD; ECO; LS; Low SAPS; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- Provides protection for diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters
- Designed specifically for the latest Ford diesel engines
- Exceptional long term additive response
- Combines high performance with fuel efficiency
Important compatibility info
Specification | ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C |
SAE Viscosity | 10W-40 |
Capacity | 5 l |
Oil | Mineral Oil |
Type | Engine Oil |
Function | Engine Oil |
Extra Description | Carlube Triple T 10W-40 SHPD E7 |
Manufacturer Release | MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS |
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE | 10W-40 |
Oil - manufacturer recommendation | GLOBAL DHD-1, VW501 01/505 00, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78 |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Important compatibility info
Manufacturer Release | BMW LL04, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, PORSCHE C30, VW 504 00, VW 507 00 |
Capacity | 5 L |
Title | Valvoline Synpower Xl-Iii C3 5W30 - 5 Litre |
Oil | Full Synthetic Oil |
Type | Engine Oil |
Packing Type | Bottle |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-30 |
Extra Description | SynPower™ XL-III C3 5W-30 |
Function | Engine Oil |
Volume | 5 L |
Oil Specification | BMW LL-04, Mercedes MB 229.31, MB 229.51, Porsche C30, VW 504.00, VW 507.00 |
Grade | Multigrade |
ACEA specification | C3 |
API specification | SN |
Key Words | SynPower; XL-III; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions. Designed to fulfil the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Formulated for excellent product stability. Long-lasting performance and suitable for long drain intervals
- Special additives prevent the formation of sludge and harmful deposits inside the engine
- Keeps engine extremely clean by minimizing deposits. Exceeds the ACEA A3/B3 limits for piston cleanliness in the Volkswagen TDI engine test
- Approved: BMW LL-04, MB 229.51, Porsche C30, VW Standard 504.00/507.00*. Meets: ACEA C3
- MB 229.31
Important compatibility info
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE | 0W-30 |
Packing Type | Bottle |
SAE Viscosity | 0W-30 |
Capacity | 5 l |
Function | Engine Oil |
Specification | ACEA A1/B1-12, A5/B5, API SL |
Oil | Synthetic Oil |
Extra Description | Carlube Triple R 0W-30 A5/B5 R-Tec 10 |
Manufacturer Release | Volvo VCC95200377 |
Type | Engine Oil |
Oil Specification | ACEA A5/B5, API SL, Volvo 95200377 |
Additional Information
Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 10 contains a unique technology that provides superior oxidation control, wear protection, cleanliness and acid neutralisation.
This oil has excellent low-temperature pump-ability with proven performance down to -40°C.
The oil protects bearings and vital components from weight loss, wear, and corrosion.
Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 10 provides excellent fuel economy performance and keeps engines clean by reducing the build-up of sludge in critical areas.
Important compatibility info
Function | Engine Oil |
Oil | Synthetic Oil |
Type | Engine Oil |
SAE Viscosity | 0W-40 |
Oil Specification | ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.3/229.5, BMW LL-01, VW 502.00/505.00, Porsche A40, RN 0700/0710, Ford WSS-M2C937-A |
Capacity | 5 l |
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE | 0W-40 |
Extra Description | Carlube Triple R 0W-40 A3/B4 R-Tec 12 |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Additional Information
Carlube Triple R 0W-40 R-Tec 12 has a unique technology that provides superior oxidation control, wear protection, cleanliness and acid neutralisation, Test results show that this oil has excellent low-temperature pump-ability with proven performance down to -40°C.
Even at these extreme temperatures, the oil protects bearings and vital components from weight loss, wear, and corrosion.
Triple R 0W-40 R-Tec 12 provides excellent fuel economy performance and keeps engines clean by reducing the build-up of sludge in critical areas.
This product offers excellent viscosity increase control in both gasoline and diesel engines and prevents varnishes from building up on pistons, keeping grooves cleaner and piston rings free.
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 0W20 Jlr Exo - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Excellent fuel efficiency
- Ensures consistent lubricant performance over extended drain intervals
- Zero compromise in engine protection
- Exceptional low temperature performance
Important compatibility info
Volume | 5 L |
Oil Specification | Vauxhall GM Dexos1 Gen 2 D10834IE103 |
Capacity | 5 L |
Packing Type | Bottle |
API specification | SN, SN/RC |
Manufacturer Release | GM Dexos 1 Gen2 |
Grade | Multigrade |
Title | Valvoline Synpower Dx1 5W30 - 5 Litre |
ILSAC specification | GF-5 |
Type | Engine Oil |
Function | Engine Oil |
Extra Description | SynPower™ DX1 5W-30 |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-30 |
Oil | Full Synthetic Oil |
Key Words | SynPower; DX1; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions Designed to fulfill the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Specifically designed for use with emission control systems like DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) and TWC (Three Way Catalyst) systems Low SAPS output keeps the emission control system clean and in optimal conditions
- Keeps engine extremely clean by minimizing deposits Passed the Daimler biodiesel oxidation test (80% diesel and 20% bio diesel)
- Instant oil flow at low temperatures provides easy cold starts and optimal lubrication within seconds after ignition
- Low viscosity and special additives result in maximum reduction of friction which results in a lower fuel consumption Demonstrates up to 0 7% fuel economy improvement in relation to higher viscosity reference fluids (SAE 5W-30 to WSS M2C913 D)
- Provides ultimate protection against wear under all operating conditions
- Approved: GM dexos1 Gen 2 D10834IE103
- Meets: API: SN Plus RC (Resource Conserving)
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 0W30 Eco Ls Fe - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Covers the ACEA C2 low SAPS oil specification
- Provides protection for diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters
- Exceptional long term additive response
- Combines high performance with fuel efficiency
Important compatibility info
Title | Valvoline Synpower Mst C3 5W40 - 5 Litre |
Capacity | 5 L |
Type | Engine Oil |
Oil | Full Synthetic Oil |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Grade | Multigrade |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-40 |
Extra Description | SynPower™ MST C3 5W-40 |
ACEA specification | C3 |
API specification | SM, SN/CF |
Manufacturer Release | BMW LL04, Ford WSSM2C917-A, GM Dexos 2, MB 226.5, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, RENAULT RN 0700, RENAULT RN 0710 |
Oil Specification | BMW LL-04, Ford WSSM2C917-A, Vauxhall GM Dexos 2, Mercedes MB 226.5, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, Renault RN0700, Renault RN0710, Fiat 9.55535.S2 |
Volume | 5 L |
Function | Engine Oil |
Key Words | SynPower; MST; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions. Designed to fulfil the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Formulated for excellent product stability. Long-lasting performance and suitable for long drain intervals
- Special additives prevent the formation of sludge and harmful deposits inside the engine
- Keeps engine extremely clean by minimizing deposits. Exceeds the ACEA A3/B3 limits for piston cleanliness in the Volkswagen TDI engine test
- Approved: BMW LL-04, MB 229.51, Porsche A40, VW Standard 502.00/505.00/505.01, GM dexos2 GB2E0310103, Renault RN0700/0710 Meets: ACEA C3, API: SM, SN/CF
- Ford WSS-M2C917-A. Recommended for use where Fiat 9.55535.S2 is specified.
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 0W30 Bm Eco Ls - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Fuel saving technology
- Compatibility with after treatment systems
- Fully synthetic, long drain formulation
- Very high standards of engine cleanliness
Important compatibility info
Specification | BMW LONGLIFE-04, MB-229.51, Porsche C30, VW 504 00/507 00 |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-30 |
ACEA specification | C3 |
Grade | Multigrade |
Volume | 5 L |
Oil Specification | BMW LONGLIFE-04, Mercedes MB-229.51, Porsche C30, VW 504 00/507 00 |
Extra Description | NAPA XTR 5W-30 LS |
Type | Engine Oil |
Function | Engine Oil |
API specification | SN |
Capacity | 5 L |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Key Words | XTR; LS; LL; Low SAPS; LongLife; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- A highly versatile low SAPS engine oil for ACEA C3 applications
- Suitable for VW, Audi, GM, BMW, Mercedes, Seat, Skoda, and certain Peugeot & Citroen models
- Provides protection for diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters
- Covers Longlife III applications
- VW 504.00/507.00, BMW LONGLIFE-04, MB 229.51, PORSCHE C30
Important compatibility info
Oil | Full Synthetic Oil |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Capacity | 5 L |
Type | Engine Oil |
Title | Valvoline Synpower Fe 0W30 - 5 Litre |
Volume | 5 L |
Manufacturer Release | Volvo 95200377 |
Oil Specification | BMW LL-01FE, Mercedes MB229.6, Renault RN0700, Volvo 95200377 |
Grade | Multigrade |
API specification | SL |
ACEA specification | A1/B1, A5/B5 |
Function | Engine Oil |
Extra Description | SynPower™ FE 0W-30 |
SAE Viscosity | 0W-30 |
Key Words | SynPower; FE; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions. Designed to fulfil the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Low viscosity and special additives result in maximum reduction of friction which results in a lower fuel consumption
- Keeps engine extremely clean by minimizing deposits. Provides ultimate protection against wear under all operating conditions
- Instant oil flow at low temperatures provides easy cold starts and optimal lubrication within seconds after ignition
- Approved: Volvo 95200377 Meets: ACEA A5/B5, ACEA A1/B1, API: SL
Important compatibility info
Capacity | 5 L |
Specification | VOLVO VCC RBS0-2AE |
ACEA specification | C5 |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Oil Specification | VOLVO VCC RBS0-2AE |
Grade | Multigrade |
API specification | SN |
Type | Engine Oil |
Function | Engine Oil |
SAE Viscosity | 0W-20 |
Volume | 5 L |
Extra Description | NAPA VE 0W-20 ECO |
Key Words | VE; ECO; Fuel Economy; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- Fuel economy formulation with no compromise in protection
- Designed specifically for the latest Volvo engines
- Exceptional long-term additive response
- Outstanding cold-start fluidity
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 0W30 Xtr Ls - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Outstanding thermal properties
- Compatible with after-treatment systems
- Excellent anti-wear characteristics
- Prevention of sludge and varnish formation
- ACEA C3, VW 504:00/507:00, BMW LL-04, PORSCHE C30
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 0W30 Eco Ls Pc - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Provides protection for diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters
- Designed specifically for the latest Peugeot & Citroen engines
- Exceptional long term additive response
- Combines high performance with fuel efficiency
- ACEA C2, PSA B71 2312
Important compatibility info
Oil Specification | API SA |
SAE Viscosity | 30 |
Volume | 4.55 L |
Additional Information
Carlube SAE30 Classic Motor Oil is a specialist lubricant designed for use in veteran, vintage and classic motor vehicles. The high-quality, low detergent monograde mineral lubricants are suitable for use in naturally aspirated 4 stroke petrol and diesel engines and manual operated gearboxes of that age, providing maximum protection to prolong the life performance of treasured classics.
Provides optimum lubrication protection. Non-detergent motor oil. Meets period performance requirements. Ideal for cold autumn & winter conditions and lower viscosity ensures rapid circulation.
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 5W30 Lc Ls - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Exceptional fuel saving benefits
- Compatible with after-treatment devices
- Low oil consumption
- Extended oil drain capabilities
- ACEA E4, E6, E7, E9, API CK-4, MERCEDES BENZ MB 228.52, MB 228.51, MB 228.31, CUMMINS CES 20086, MAN M3777, M3677, CATERPILLAR ECF-3, VOLVO VDS-4.5, RENAULT TRUCKS RLD-4, RLD-3, IVECO 18-1804 TLS E6, SCANIA LDF-4 LA
Important compatibility info
Volume | 5 L |
Oil Specification | FORD WSS-M2C934-B, Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5005 |
Grade | Multigrade |
Type | Engine Oil |
Function | Engine Oil |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-30 |
ACEA specification | C1 |
Extra Description | NAPA C1 5W-30 LS |
Capacity | 5 L |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Key Words | LS; Low SAPS; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- Particularly suitable for latest Mazda and Land Rover vehicles.
- Provides protection for diesel particulate filters and catalytic converters
- Exceptional long term additive response
- Provides high performance with excellent fuel efficiency
- FORD WSS-M2C934-B, Jaguar Land Rover STJLR.03.5005
Important compatibility info
Grade | Multigrade |
ACEA specification | C2, C3 |
Type | Engine Oil |
Oil | Full Synthetic Oil |
Capacity | 5 L |
Packing Type | Bottle |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-30 |
API specification | SN/CF |
Title | Valvoline Synpower Mst C3 5W30 - 5 Litre |
Oil Specification | BMW LL-04, Vauxhall GM Dexos 2, Mercedes MB 229.31, MB 229.51, MB 229.52, VW 505.00, VW 505.01, VW502.00 |
Volume | 5 L |
Extra Description | SynPower™ MST C3 5W-30 |
Function | Engine Oil |
Manufacturer Release | BMW LL04, GM Dexos 2, MB 229.31, MB 229.51, MB 229.52, VW 505 00, VW 505 01 |
Key Words | SynPower; MST; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions. Designed to fulfil the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Specifically designed for use with emission control systems like DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) and TWC (Three Way Catalyst). Low SAPS output makes the emission control system last longer
- Formulated for excellent product stability. Long lasting performance and suitable for long drain intervals
- Instant oil flow at low temperatures provides easy cold starts and optimal lubrication within seconds after ignition
- Approved: BMW LL-04, GM Dexos 2, MB-229.51, MB-229.52, VW 50200/50500/50501 Meets: ACEA C3, API: SN/CF
Important compatibility info
Manufacturer Release | RENAULT RN 0700, STJLR 03.5003 |
Title | Valvoline Synpower Fe 5W30 - 5 Litre |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Oil | Full Synthetic Oil |
API specification | SL, CF |
ACEA specification | A1/B1, A5/B5 |
Grade | Multigrade |
Capacity | 5 L |
Oil Specification | Renault RN0700, Jaguar Landrover STJLR 03.5003, Ford WSS-M2C913-D, Ford WSS-M2C913-A, B, C, Fiat 9.55535.G1 |
Volume | 5 L |
SAE Viscosity | 5W-30 |
Extra Description | SynPower™ FE 5W-30 |
Function | Engine Oil |
Type | Engine Oil |
Key Words | SynPower; FE; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- OEM approved premium grade motor oil
- SynPower engine oil is formulated with the highest quality base oils and latest additives to ensure ultimate protection and performance under all operating conditions. Designed to fulfil the latest standards of leading engine manufacturers
- Low viscosity and special additives result in maximum reduction of friction which results in a lower fuel consumption
- Designed for engines running on bio fuel mixtures (for example E85)
- Instant oil flow at low temperatures provides easy cold starts and optimal lubrication within seconds after ignition
- Approved: Jaguar Land Rover STJLR 03.5003 Meets: ACEA A1/B1, A5/B5, API: SL/CF
- Renault RN0700, Ford WSS-M2C913-D. Suitable for use where Ford WSS-M2C913-A, B, C are specified. Recommended for use where Fiat 9.55535.G1 is specified. For diesel engines
Important compatibility info
Function | Engine Oil |
Oil Specification | Mercedes MB 229.1, VW 505.00 / 501.01 |
Volume | 5 L |
Extra Description | All-Climate 20W-50 |
API specification | SL, CF |
Capacity | 5 L |
Packing Type | Bottle |
Grade | Multigrade |
SAE Viscosity | 20W-50 |
ACEA specification | A3/B3 |
Type | Engine Oil |
Oil | Mineral Oil |
Key Words | All Climate; Mineral |
Manufacturer Release | 501 01, MB 229.1, VW 505 00 |
Additional Information
- Applications Formulated for turbo and nonturbocharged diesel, petrol and LPG engines. Can be used in passenger cars, light trucks, small marine engines and motorcycles without wet clutch. Also suitable for industrial equipment such as telehandlers or forklifts.
- All-Climate engine oils are formulated for year round performance. Meeting industry performance levels.
- Broad vehicle application with high quality formulation suitable for a wide range of vehicles.
- Instant oil flow at low temperatures provides easy cold starts and optimal lubrication within seconds after ignition. For climate conditions below -20oC we advise SAE 10W-40..
- Strong oil film provides protection against wear under all operating conditions.
- Through the use of detergent additives the engine is kept in good condition.
- Deposit control prevents forming of sludge and harmful deposits inside the engine.
- Thermal and oxidation stable oil film resists oil breakdown.
- Always check the correct application on the Valvoline oil lookup: https://valvoline-eu.lubricantadvisor.com/en
- Performance levels ACEA A3/B3 API: SL/CF MB-229.1 Recommended by Valvoline for use in engines specifying VW 50500 or VW 50101
Important compatibility info
Capacity | 5 L |
Grade | Multigrade |
API specification | SN/CF |
Extra Description | NAPA VT 0W-30 ECO |
Volume | 5 L |
Oil Specification | BMW LONGLIFE-01 FE, VOLVO VCC 95200377 |
Specification | BMW LONGLIFE-01 FE, VOLVO VCC 95200377 |
Packing Type | Bottle |
ACEA specification | A5/B5 |
SAE Viscosity | 0W-30 |
Function | Engine Oil |
Type | Engine Oil |
Key Words | VT; ECO; LL; LongLife; Synthetic |
Additional Information
- Exceptional low temperature properties
- Improved performance
- Fuel economy savings
- Peak performance throughout even the longest service intervals
- Unsurpassed levels of engine protection
Important compatibility info
Title | Exopro 0W20 Eco Ve - 5 Litre |
Additional Information
- Fuel economy formulation with no compromise in protection
- Designed specifically for the latest Volvo engines
- Exceptional long-term additive response
- Outstanding cold-start fluidity