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Part number: KFA005
Capacity 5 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 BMW R-Tec 11
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Specification ACEA C2-12, API
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMW LL-12 FE
Oil Specification BMW LL-12 FE
Packing Type Bottle

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 11 is an ultra-high performing engine oil that has been developed to provide maximum engine protection, fuel economy savings and meet the exacting requirements of BMW LL-12 FE performance level.

Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 11 delivers a substantial fuel economy without compromising wear performance.
This oil provides excellent performance in piston cleanliness in a whole wide range of engines, controlling the viscosity increase, reducing the formation of sludge and keeping the turbocharger clean, for better engine efficiency and power output.
It provides enhanced engine reliability by controlling wear on critical engine parts exposed to severe mechanical stress.

Carlube KFA005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KFB001
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-40 A3/B4 R-Tec 12
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.3/229.5, BMW LL-01, VW 502.00/505.00, Porsche A40, RN 0700/0710, Ford WSS-M2C937-A
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 1 l
SAE Viscosity 0W-40
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-40

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-40 R-Tec 12 has a unique technology that provides superior oxidation control, wear protection, cleanliness and acid neutralisation, Test results show that this oil has excellent low-temperature pump-ability with proven performance down to -40°C.

Even at these extreme temperatures, the oil protects bearings and vital components from weight loss, wear, and corrosion.
Triple R 0W-40 R-Tec 12 provides excellent fuel economy performance and keeps engines clean by reducing the build-up of sludge in critical areas.
This product offers excellent viscosity increase control in both gasoline and diesel engines and prevents varnishes from building up on pistons, keeping grooves cleaner and piston rings free.

Carlube KFB001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KFB005
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 0W-40
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.3/229.5, BMW LL-01, VW 502.00/505.00, Porsche A40, RN 0700/0710, Ford WSS-M2C937-A
Capacity 5 l
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-40
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-40 A3/B4 R-Tec 12
Packing Type Bottle

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-40 R-Tec 12 has a unique technology that provides superior oxidation control, wear protection, cleanliness and acid neutralisation, Test results show that this oil has excellent low-temperature pump-ability with proven performance down to -40°C.

Even at these extreme temperatures, the oil protects bearings and vital components from weight loss, wear, and corrosion.
Triple R 0W-40 R-Tec 12 provides excellent fuel economy performance and keeps engines clean by reducing the build-up of sludge in critical areas.
This product offers excellent viscosity increase control in both gasoline and diesel engines and prevents varnishes from building up on pistons, keeping grooves cleaner and piston rings free.

Carlube KFB005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KFD001
Packing Type Bottle
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 1 l
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SL
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-60
SAE Viscosity 10W-60
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-60 A3/B4 R-Tec 33
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 10W-60 R-Tec 33 is a technically advanced fully synthetic engine oil designed for the latest generation of high-performance engines, to provide advanced levels of wear protection and performance compared to conventional oils.

It provides excellent engine performance under all driving conditions, excellent cold-weather starting and rapid circulation, and lower oil consumption due to synthetic base.
Lower oil consumption due to synthetic base stocks Excellent cold-weather starting and rapid circulation

Carlube KFD001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KFD005
Type Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-60
SAE Viscosity 10W-60
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SL
Capacity 5 l
Packing Type Bottle
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-60 A3/B4 R-Tec 33
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 10W-60 R-Tec 33 is a technically advanced fully synthetic engine oil designed for the latest generation of high-performance engines, to provide advanced levels of wear protection and performance compared to conventional oils.

It provides excellent engine performance under all driving conditions, excellent cold-weather starting and rapid circulation, and lower oil consumption due to synthetic base.
Lower oil consumption due to synthetic base stocks Excellent cold-weather starting and rapid circulation

Carlube KFD005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KFG001
Oil Specification PI SN, ILSA GF-5, Chrysler MS-6395, Fiat 9.55535-CR1
SAE Viscosity 5W-20
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-20 SP GF-6A LUB NEW R-Tec 15
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-20
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Synthetic Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 15 is a fully synthetic engine oil developed to provide enhanced engine and catalyst protection, as well as improved fuel efficiency for modern engines requiring a low viscosity engine oil.

Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 15 delivers excellent performance in both engine protection and cleanliness. It provides high-temperature deposit protection for pistons and turbochargers whilst improving sludge control.
Additional benefits include enhanced fuel efficiency and ethanol fuel compatibility.

Carlube KFG001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KFG005
Capacity 5 l
Function Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-20
Oil Specification API SN, ILSA GF-5, Chrysler MS-6395, Fiat 9.55535-CR1
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-20 SP GF-6A LUB NEW R-Tec 15
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-20

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 15 is a fully synthetic engine oil developed to provide enhanced engine and catalyst protection, as well as improved fuel efficiency for modern engines requiring a low viscosity engine oil.

Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 15 delivers excellent performance in both engine protection and cleanliness. It provides high-temperature deposit protection for pistons and turbochargers whilst improving sludge control.
Additional benefits include enhanced fuel efficiency and ethanol fuel compatibility.

Carlube KFG005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KFI001
Function Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 VW R-Tec 22
Carlube KFI001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KFI005
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 VW R-Tec 22
Capacity 5 l
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Carlube KFI005 Engine Oil 5L
Volume 1 L
Oil Specification NMMA (TC-W3, TC-WII, TC-W), Mercury, OMC (Johnson, Evinrude), BIA, Mariner, Yamaha

Additional Information

Carlube 2-Stroke Endurance Oil has been developed to satisfy and meet the requirements of water-cooled outboard marine 2-stroke engines for both leaded and unleaded petrol engines. The high resistance to water wash-off and corrosion protection makes it an ideal choice for boats, trailer wheel bearings, swivel hinges, pins, propeller shafts, cables and pulleys, winches and other routine marine maintenance.

High resistance to water wash-off. Corrosion protection. Excellent protection against piston scuffing and seizure. Ashless detergent, dispersant additives reduce engine deposits and ring sticking. Strong anti-gel performance. Excellent rust protection.

Carlube MTS011 Endurance 2 Stroke Oil
Part number: XAE030
Oil Specification API SA
SAE Viscosity 30
Volume 4.55 L

Additional Information

Carlube SAE30 Classic Motor Oil is a specialist lubricant designed for use in veteran, vintage and classic motor vehicles. The high-quality, low detergent monograde mineral lubricants are suitable for use in naturally aspirated 4 stroke petrol and diesel engines and manual operated gearboxes of that age, providing maximum protection to prolong the life performance of treasured classics.

Provides optimum lubrication protection. Non-detergent motor oil. Meets period performance requirements. Ideal for cold autumn & winter conditions and lower viscosity ensures rapid circulation.

Carlube XAE030 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: XAE040
Carlube XAE040 Engine Oil 4L
Volume 5 L
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Part number: XBQ010
Volume 1 L
Type Semi Synthetic
SAE Viscosity 15W40

Additional Information

Carlube 15W-40 Semi-Synthetic is a low SAPS SHPD Grade oil designed to provide the ultimate in engine protection for heavy-duty diesel engines running on low Sulphur fuel and designed to meet Euro V emissions requirements.

Controls soot thickening & wear Low volatility ensures low oil consumption Increased thermal & oxidation stability reduces oil aging allowing extended drain intervals Reduces environmental impact through reduced emissions Exceeds emissions system requirements

Carlube XBQ010 Engine Oil 1L
Type Fully Synthetic
Volume 1 L
Oil Specification API TC, JASO FC, ISO-L-EGI

Additional Information

Carlube 2-Stroke Fully Synthetic motorcycle oil is a high performance, ash-less engine oil, providing advanced durability for a wide range of 2T applications, also suitable for use in direct fuel injector (DFI) and non DFI engines.

Prevents high temperature deposit formation with excellent anti-wear performance. Eliminates piston ring and power valve sticking, providing a cleaner engine and prolonging engine life and improving power. Enhanced cleanliness and wear protection.

Carlube XFS201 2-Stroke Fully Synthetic
Volume 1 L
Oil Specification API SM, JASO MA2
Type Fully Synthetic

Additional Information

Carlube 4-Stroke Fully Synthetic Motorcycle oil is formulated to cope with high revving and higher operating temperatures experienced with motorcycle engines. These oils are suitable for small engine scooters to large V twin engines, sports and racing motorcycles.

Eliminates piston ring and prevents power valve sticking providing a cleaner engine allowing for long lasting power and best performance. Proven engine durability and cleanliness allowing for long lasting power. Prevention of soot formation, sludge and deposits in turn protecting engine from damage. Constant lubrication protecting all engine components against wear.

Carlube XFS401 4-Stroke Fully Synthetic
Part number: XGD010
Carlube XGD010 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: XGD050
Carlube XGD050 Engine Oil 5L
Oil Specification API SF, BLS-OL-02, CCMC G2, MIL-L-46152C, SSM-2C-9001 AA
Volume 1 L

Additional Information

Carlube 4 Stroke Garden Machinery oil is blended from the highest quality oils and additives for Multi and single cylinder engines.

High film strength. Easier cold start. Cleaner engines. Improved corrosion protection.

Carlube XLM011 4-Stroke Garden Machinery Oil
Volume 500 ML
Oil Specification API SF, BLS-OL-02, CCMC G2, MIL-L-46152C, SSM-2C-9001 AA

Additional Information

Carlube 4 Stroke Garden Machinery oil is blended from the highest quality oils and additives for Multi and single cylinder engines

High film strength. Easier cold start. Cleaner engines. Improved corrosion protection.

Carlube XLM501 4-Stroke Garden Machinery Oil
Oil Specification API TC, JASO FB

Additional Information

Carlube 2 Stroke Garden Machinery Oil is a high performance lubricant for modern 2 stroke petrol engines fitted to agricultural and horticultural machinery. The product is equally suitable in both “in-tank” petrol mix systems and metered lubrication injection systems.

Excellent dispersion in petrol. Clean burning low ash additives. Low deposits on plugs, exhaust ports, piston rings and crowns. Contains rust and corrosion inhibitors.

Carlube XLN501 2-Stroke Garden Machinery Oil
Part number: XRD001
Type Semi Synthetic
Volume 1 L
SAE Viscosity 0W40
Oil Specification API SN/CF, ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, MB 229.1, VW 502.00/505.00

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 10w40 Semi Synthetic Oil has been specially developed to meet the exacting requirements of Europe's leading vehicle engine manufacturers.

Optimum engine performance, with reduced friction and wear. Improved fuel economy and reduced exhaust emissions. Exceptional all year round protection from cold start to high temperature driving.

Carlube XRD001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: XRF001
SAE Viscosity 5W40
Volume 1 L
Type Fully Synthetic
Oil Specification API SN/CF, ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, MB 229.3/229.5, VW 502.00/505.00, BMW LL-01, PSA B71 2296.

Additional Information

Fully synthetic engine oil manufactured to give maximum performance with unrivalled protection from cold start to high temperature driving.

Carlube XRF001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: XRG001
Oil Specification API SN, ACEA C3
SAE Viscosity 5W30
Volume 1 L
Type Fully Synthetic

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5w30 Fully Synthetic is a longlife motor oil suitable for the latest generation of petrol and diesel engines, on fixed and variable service intervals, and requiring a low SAPS/Low ash engine oil.

Optimum engine performance and improved fuel economy. Reduced exhaust emissions and reduced friction and wear. Exceptional all year round protection from cold start to high temperature driving.

Carlube XRG001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: XRH001
SAE Viscosity 15W40
Volume 1 L
Oil Specification API SL/CF, ACEA A3/B3

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 15w40 Motor Oil, Suitable for use in higher mileage petrol and diesel engines, including classic cars.

Optimum engine performance. Improved fuel economy. Reduced exhaust emissions. Reduced friction and wear. Exceptional all year round protection from cold start to high temperature driving.

Carlube XRH001 Engine Oil 1L
Volume 1 L
Type Semi Synthetic
Oil Specification API TC, JASO FC, ISO-L-EGI

Additional Information

Carlube 2-Stroke Motorcycle Oil is formulated to cope with high revving and higher operating temperatures experienced with motorcycle engines. These oils are suitable for small engine scooters to large V twin engines, sports and racing motorcycles.

Carlube XSS010 2-Stroke Semi-Synthetic
Part number: XST011
Oil Specification API TC, JASO FB
Type Mineral
Volume 1 L

Additional Information

Carlube 2-Stroke Motor Oil contains top quality mineral oil and carefully selected additives which ensure the thermal stability, anti-wear properties, engine cleanliness and protection against corrosion of bearings and cylinders of a modern 2-Stroke engine. The product is suitable for both “in-tank” petrol mix systems and metered lubrication systems.

Excellent dispersion in fuel Clean burning low ash additives Low deposits on plugs, exhaust ports, piston rings and crowns Contains rust and corrosion inhibitors

Carlube XST011 2-Stroke Mineral
Part number: XST501
Oil Specification API TC, JASO FB
Volume 500 ML

Additional Information

Carlube 2-Stroke Motor Oil contains top quality mineral oil and carefully selected additives which ensure the thermal stability, anti-wear properties, engine cleanliness and protection against corrosion of bearings and cylinders of a modern 2-Stroke engine. The product is suitable for both “in-tank” petrol mix systems and metered lubrication systems.

Excellent dispersion in fuel. Clean burning low ash additives. Low deposits on plugs, exhaust ports, piston rings and crowns. Contains rust and corrosion inhibitors.

Carlube XST501 2-Stroke Mineral
Specification ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 20W-50
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 20W-50 SHPD E7
SAE Viscosity 20W-50
Oil - manufacturer recommendation GLOBAL DHD-1, MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK E0-N/E0-M PLUS,, CUMMINS 20076/77/78, CATERPILLAR ECF-1-A/, DEUTZ DQC III-10, DD
Carlube YCI020 Trip T 20w50 C1- L 20ltr
Part number: YWS020
Carlube YWS020 Engine Oil 20L

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Engine Oils

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