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Part number: KAB050
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 5W-30 UHPD E4
Capacity 5 l
Function Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Carlube KAB050 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KAC050
Type Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-40 UHPD E6/E9
Capacity 5 l
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Packing Type Bottle
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Function Engine Oil
Carlube KAC050 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KAD050
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-40 UHPD E6
Function Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Carlube KAD050 Engine Oil 5L
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-40 UHPD E4
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Packing Type Barrel
Capacity 20 l
Carlube KAE020 Triple T 10w-40 Uhpd E4 20lt
Specification ACEA E9, API CJ-4/SN
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 15W-40
Oil Mineral Oil
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 15W-40 SHPD E9
SAE Viscosity 15W-40
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB 228.31, MAN M3575, MTU TYPE 2.1, VOLVO VDS-4, MACK EO-O PP, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-3, CUMMINS 20081, CATERPILLAR ECF-3
Carlube KAF020 Triple T 15w-40 Shpd E9 20lt
Part number: KAF050
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 15W-40
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
SAE Viscosity 15W-40
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB 228.31, MAN M3575, MTU TYPE 2.1, VOLVO VDS-4, MACK EO-O PP, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-3, CUMMINS 20081, CATERPILLAR ECF-3
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 15W-40 SHPD E9
Packing Type Bottle
Specification ACEA E9, API CJ-4/SN
Oil Mineral Oil
Carlube KAF050 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KAH050
Oil Part Synthetic Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB 228.31, MAN M3575, MTU TYPE 2.1, VOLVO VDS-4, MACK EO-O PP, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-3, CUMMINS 20081, CATERPILLAR ECF-3
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 5 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-30 SHPD E9
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 10W-30
Function Engine Oil
Specification ACEA E9, API CJ-4/SN
Carlube KAH050 Engine Oil 5L
SAE Viscosity 15W-40
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Oil - manufacturer recommendation GLOBAL DHD-1, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78, CATERPILLAR ECF-2/EC
Specification ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 15W-40
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 15W-40 SHPD E7
Oil Mineral Oil
Type Engine Oil
Manufacturer Release MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS
Carlube KAJ020 Triple T 15w-40 Shpd E7 20lt
Part number: KAJ050
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 15W-40
Manufacturer Release MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS
Oil Mineral Oil
Capacity 5 l
Oil - manufacturer recommendation GLOBAL DHD-1, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78, CATERPILLAR ECF-2/EC
SAE Viscosity 15W-40
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 15W-40 SHPD E7
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Specification ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C
Carlube KAJ050 Engine Oil 5L
Manufacturer Release MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Oil Mineral Oil
Packing Type Barrel
Capacity 20 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-40 SHPD E7
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Oil - manufacturer recommendation GLOBAL DHD-1, VW501 01/505 00, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78
Specification ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C
Carlube KAK020 Triple T 10w-40 Shpd E7 20ltr
Part number: KAK050
Specification ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Capacity 5 l
Oil Mineral Oil
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-40 SHPD E7
Manufacturer Release MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Oil - manufacturer recommendation GLOBAL DHD-1, VW501 01/505 00, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78
Packing Type Bottle
Carlube KAK050 Engine Oil 5L
Specification ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C
Oil - manufacturer recommendation GLOBAL DHD-1, MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78, CATERPILLAR ECF-1-A/
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 10W-30
Oil Part Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-30
Packing Type Barrel
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-30 SHPD E7
Capacity 20 l
Carlube KAL020 Triple T 10w-30 Shpd E7 20lt
Part number: KAL050
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 5 l
SAE Viscosity 10W-30
Specification ACEA E7, API CI-4/CH-4/CG-4/C
Oil - manufacturer recommendation GLOBAL DHD-1, MB 228.3, VOLVO VDS-3, RENAULT TRUCK RLD-2, MACK EO-N/EO-M PLUS, MAN M3275, CUMMINS 20076/77/78, CATERPILLAR ECF-1-A/
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple T 10W-30 SHPD E7
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-30
Oil Part Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
Carlube KAL050 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBK001
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SL, MB 229.3, RN 0700/0710, VW 502.00/505.00
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A3/B3 SL LUB NEX R-Tec 16
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A3/B4 is a fully synthetic passenger car extended drain engine oil, specially formulated for the latest petrol and diesel engines with flexible oil drain intervals.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 16 has achieved accreditation through the successful completion of several testing programs including industry-wide performance levels such as API SL and ACEA A3/B4 and OEM approvals such as Daimler MB 229.3 and Renault RN0700/710.
Such diverse accreditation ensures that Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 16 provides strong lubricant performance immediately from low temperatures up to the warmest climatic conditions. Helps to extend engine life

Carlube KBK001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBK020
Capacity 20 l
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Packing Type Barrel
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A3/B3 SL LUB NEX R-Tec 16
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Carlube KBK020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBL001
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA, A5/B5, Ford WSS-M2C913-D, Ford WSS-M2C913-C, ST JLR.03.5003
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A5/B5 SP INF NEX FS R-Tec 17

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 17 is a fully synthetic engine oil formulated to provide proven engine protection for the latest generation of Ford petrol and diesel engines.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 17 has been specially formulated to meet and exceed the ACEA A5/B5 and Ford M2C913-D specifications An oil meeting these specifications provides countless benefits to vehicle owners such as improved fuel economy, and robust performance in the use of biofuels.
Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 17 is also compatible with older Ford engines where the Ford M2C913-A, M2C913-B, and M2C913-C are required.

Carlube KBL001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBL020
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Capacity 20 l
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 A5/B5 SP INF NEX FS R-Tec 17
Function Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Carlube KBL020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBN001
Manufacturer Release VW 501 01/505 00
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.3
Capacity 1 l
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Specification ACEA A3/B4, API SN
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.1, VW 501.01/505.00, RN 0700
Packing Type Bottle
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-40 A3/B4 R-Tec 31
Oil Part Synthetic Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 10W-40 R-Tec 31 is a trusted and reliable engine oil, It delivers excellent wear protection and cleanliness whilst preventing the damaging processes of corrosion and oxidation.

This oil is suitable for use in a wide range of passenger car engines.
Triple R 10W-40 R-Tec 31 also delivers enhanced piston cleanliness, minimising ring-sticking which can result in premature engine wear and blow-by. Within engines, deposits can negatively impact fuel economy, performance and ultimately the life of your engine. Furthermore,
Carlube Triple R 10W-40 R-Tec 31 reduces engine sludge by up to 14%, ensuring key components are kept cool, lubricated and working at their maximum potential.

Carlube KBN001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBN005
Specification ACEA A3/B4, API SN
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.1, VW 501.01/505.00, RN 0700
Packing Type Bottle
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.3
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Oil Part Synthetic Oil
Capacity 5 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-40 A3/B4 R-Tec 31
Manufacturer Release VW 501 01/505 00
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 10W-40 R-Tec 31 is a trusted and reliable engine oil, It delivers excellent wear protection and cleanliness whilst preventing the damaging processes of corrosion and oxidation.

This oil is suitable for use in a wide range of passenger car engines.
Triple R 10W-40 R-Tec 31 also delivers enhanced piston cleanliness, minimising ring-sticking which can result in premature engine wear and blow-by. Within engines, deposits can negatively impact fuel economy, performance and ultimately the life of your engine. Furthermore,
Carlube Triple R 10W-40 R-Tec 31 reduces engine sludge by up to 14%, ensuring key components are kept cool, lubricated and working at their maximum potential.

Carlube KBN005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBN020
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.3
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Oil Part Synthetic Oil
Manufacturer Release VW 501 01/505 00
Type Engine Oil
Specification ACEA A3/B4, API SN
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-40 A3/B4 R-Tec 31
Function Engine Oil
Capacity 20 l
Carlube KBN020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBO001
SAE Viscosity 5W-40
Capacity 1 l
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.3, RN 0700, VW 502.00/505.00
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-40 A3/B4 SN LUB NEX R-Tec 28
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-40

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 28 is a fully synthetic, high-performance passenger car engine oil, developed to provide enhanced wear protection and sludge control in older vehicles without after-treatment devices.

Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 28 provides robust performance with proven protection against engine wear, sludge, and deposit formation.
Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 28 sustains engine cleanliness and prevents the accumulation of deposits on the surface of key engine components such as the pistons Deposit buildup can cause many issues, including the impairment of component cooling and movement, as well as increased corrosion and engine wear.

Carlube KBO001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBO005
Capacity 5 l
Packing Type Bottle
SAE Viscosity 5W-40
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SN, MB 229.3, RN 0700, VW 502.00/505.00
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-40
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-40 A3/B4 SN LUB NEX R-Tec 28

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 28 is a fully synthetic, high-performance passenger car engine oil, developed to provide enhanced wear protection and sludge control in older vehicles without after-treatment devices.

Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 28 provides robust performance with proven protection against engine wear, sludge, and deposit formation.
Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 28 sustains engine cleanliness and prevents the accumulation of deposits on the surface of key engine components such as the pistons Deposit buildup can cause many issues, including the impairment of component cooling and movement, as well as increased corrosion and engine wear.

Carlube KBO005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBO020
Packing Type Barrel
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-40 A3/B4 SN LUB NEX R-Tec 28
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-40
Oil Synthetic Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-40
Capacity 20 l
Carlube KBO020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBP001
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification API SN
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Packing Type Bottle
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-40 SN/CF ORO NEX R-Tec 32
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Oil Part Synthetic Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 18 is a trustworthy, reliable and robust engine oil that provides strong corrosion and wear protection to key components in an engine, maintaining a clean and high-performing engine for trouble-free driving.

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 18 is suitable for the latest direct engine gasoline engines in preventing low-speed pre-ignition and has proven real-world performance in conventional and hybrid vehicles.
They provide exceptional fuel economy particularly vehicles requiring the GM Dexos 1 specification. They are recommended by hybrid vehicle manufacturers because of their strong corrosion control, sludge control and excellent water tolerance.

Carlube KBP001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBP020
SAE Viscosity 10W-40
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-40 SN/CF ORO NEX R-Tec 32
Oil Part Synthetic Oil
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-40
Carlube KBP020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBQ001
Capacity 1 l
Oil Specification API SN, ILSAC GF-5 GM dexos 1
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 SP GF-6 ORO NEX R-Tec 18

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 18 is a trustworthy, reliable and robust engine oil that provides strong corrosion and wear protection to key components in an engine, maintaining a clean and high-performing engine for trouble-free driving.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 18 is suitable for the latest direct engine gasoline engines in preventing low-speed pre-ignition and has proven real-world performance in conventional and hybrid vehicles. They provide exceptional fuel economy particularly vehicles requiring the GM Dexos 1 specification. They are recommended by hybrid vehicle manufacturers because of their strong corrosion control, sludge control and excellent water tolerance.

Carlube KBQ001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBQ005
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
Oil Specification API SN, ILSAC GF-5 GM dexos 1
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 SP GF-6 ORO NEX R-Tec 18
Packing Type Bottle
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 18 is a trustworthy, reliable and robust engine oil that provides strong corrosion and wear protection to key components in an engine, maintaining a clean and high-performing engine for trouble-free driving.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 18 is suitable for the latest direct engine gasoline engines in preventing low-speed pre-ignition and has proven real-world performance in conventional and hybrid vehicles. They provide exceptional fuel economy particularly vehicles requiring the GM Dexos 1 specification. They are recommended by hybrid vehicle manufacturers because of their strong corrosion control, sludge control and excellent water tolerance.

Carlube KBQ005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBQ020
Capacity 20 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 SP GF-6 ORO NEX R-Tec 18
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Carlube KBQ020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBR001
Oil Specification ACEA C2, Ford WSS-M2C950-A, ST JLR.03.5007
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Oil Full Synthetic Oil
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 FORD R-Tec 7
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 7 is a fully synthetic low SAPS engine oil suitable for vehicles with either diesel or petrol engines that are fitted with after-treatment devices to meet European emissions requirements

This oil will protect after-treatment devices such as Three-Way Catalysts (TWCs) or Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) for the lifetime of the vehicle.
Prevents the formation of sludge and deposits in the engine which can cause oil starvation and increased engine wear Low-SAPS technology therefore DPF, SCR & EGR compatible

Carlube KBR001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBR020
Type Engine Oil
Oil Full Synthetic Oil
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 FORD R-Tec 7
Capacity 20 l
Carlube KBR020 Engine Oil 20L

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Engine Oils

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