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Results 31 - 60 of 405
Part number: KBQ020
Capacity 20 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 SP GF-6 ORO NEX R-Tec 18
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Carlube KBQ020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBR001
Oil Specification ACEA C2, Ford WSS-M2C950-A, ST JLR.03.5007
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Oil Full Synthetic Oil
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 FORD R-Tec 7
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 7 is a fully synthetic low SAPS engine oil suitable for vehicles with either diesel or petrol engines that are fitted with after-treatment devices to meet European emissions requirements

This oil will protect after-treatment devices such as Three-Way Catalysts (TWCs) or Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) for the lifetime of the vehicle.
Prevents the formation of sludge and deposits in the engine which can cause oil starvation and increased engine wear Low-SAPS technology therefore DPF, SCR & EGR compatible

Carlube KBR001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBR005
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 FORD R-Tec 7
Oil Full Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 5 l
Oil Specification ACEA C2, Ford WSS-M2C950-A, ST JLR.03.5007
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 7 is a fully synthetic low SAPS engine oil suitable for vehicles with either diesel or petrol engines that are fitted with after-treatment devices to meet European emissions requirements

This oil will protect after-treatment devices such as Three-Way Catalysts (TWCs) or Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs) for the lifetime of the vehicle. Prevents the formation of sludge and deposits in the engine which can cause oil starvation and increased engine wear Low-SAPS technology therefore DPF, SCR & EGR compatible

Carlube KBR005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBR020
Type Engine Oil
Oil Full Synthetic Oil
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 FORD R-Tec 7
Capacity 20 l
Carlube KBR020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBS001
Specification ACEA C2
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C2, PSA B71 2312
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 PSA R-Tec 8
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 1 l
Packing Type Bottle
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Renault B17 2312, ST JLR.03.5007

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 8 has been developed to offers after treatment device compatibility, superior cold-temperature performance whilst prolonging engine life, it meets the PSA Peugeot Citroen B71 2312 specification, which has been specially developed to sustain the most severe operating conditions.

This specification also requires improved cold flow properties to reduce the hydrodynamic friction of the oil, in order to obtain fuel economy benefits especially when the oil is cold.
Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 8 provides excellent oil flow at start-up, even when cold, allowing critical engine components to be lubricated quicker. A top tier lower SAPS engine oil, meeting the latest European emission standards.

Carlube KBS001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBS005
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Specification ACEA C2
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Renault B17 2312, ST JLR.03.5007
Oil Specification ACEA C2, PSA B71 2312
Packing Type Bottle
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 PSA R-Tec 8
Capacity 5 l

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 8 has been developed to offers after treatment device compatibility, superior cold-temperature performance whilst prolonging engine life, it meets the PSA Peugeot Citroen B71 2312 specification, which has been specially developed to sustain the most severe operating conditions.

This specification also requires improved cold flow properties to reduce the hydrodynamic friction of the oil, in order to obtain fuel economy benefits especially when the oil is cold.
Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 8 provides excellent oil flow at start-up, even when cold, allowing critical engine components to be lubricated quicker. A top tier lower SAPS engine oil, meeting the latest European emission standards.

Carlube KBS005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBS020
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 20 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 PSA R-Tec 8
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation Renault B17 2312, ST JLR.03.5007
Specification ACEA C2
Packing Type Barrel
Carlube KBS020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBT001
Packing Type Bottle
Type Engine Oil
Specification ACEA C3-16, API
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C3, VW 504.00/507.00
Capacity 1 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 VW R-Tec 9
Manufacturer Release VW 504 00/507 00
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW TL 52545

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 9 has advanced additive technology that provides powerful detergency and the ability to prevent the build-up of piston deposits, allowing the lubricant to meet the stringent demands and exacting requirements of the VW 504.00/507.00 specification.

This engine oil is designed to lubricate high power modern based engines.
The formulation maintains a good lubricant flow throughout the engine enhancing the lubrication of all engine parts whilst also preventing wear. Provides excellent engine durability as well as giving fuel economy benefits

Carlube KBT001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBT005
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Manufacturer Release VW 504 00/507 00
Capacity 5 l
Oil Specification ACEA C3, VW 504.00/507.00
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Type Engine Oil
Specification ACEA C3-16, API
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 VW R-Tec 9
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW TL 52545
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 9 has advanced additive technology that provides powerful detergency and the ability to prevent the build-up of piston deposits, allowing the lubricant to meet the stringent demands and exacting requirements of the VW 504.00/507.00 specification.

This engine oil is designed to lubricate high power modern based engines.
The formulation maintains a good lubricant flow throughout the engine enhancing the lubrication of all engine parts whilst also preventing wear. Provides excellent engine durability as well as giving fuel economy benefits

Carlube KBT005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBT020
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Manufacturer Release VW 504 00/507 00
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW TL 52545
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 VW R-Tec 9
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Capacity 20 l
Specification ACEA C3-16, API
Carlube KBT020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBU001
Oil Specification ACEA C3, API SN, MB 229.31/229.51 Porsche C30 VW 504.00/507.00
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Capacity 1 l
Specification ACEA C3-16, API SN
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Type Engine Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.31/229.51, BMW LL-04, Porsche C30, VW 504 00/507 00
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 VW R-Tec 19
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 19 is an ultra high performing engine oil that has been developed to meet the exacting requirements of Volkswagen VW 504.00/507.00 performance level.

This oil is suitable for use in older vehicles as well as the most modern engines. As a lubricant that meets the highest performance engine oil specification, it provides superior engine cleanliness, wear protection, fuel economy and after treatment device compatibility, prevents the formation of harmful engine sludge and deposits. Keeps key components cool, clean, lubricated and working at their best, providing an impressive 1.7% improvement in fuel economy.

Carlube KBU001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBU005
Specification ACEA C3-16, API SN
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C3, API SN, MB 229.31/229.51 Porsche C30 VW 504.00/507.00
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 VW R-Tec 19
Oil Synthetic Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 5 l
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.31/229.51, BMW LL-04, Porsche C30, VW 504 00/507 00
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 19 is an ultra high performing engine oil that has been developed to meet the exacting requirements of Volkswagen VW 504.00/507.00 performance level.

This oil is suitable for use in older vehicles as well as the most modern engines. As a lubricant that meets the highest performance engine oil specification, it provides superior engine cleanliness, wear protection, fuel economy and after treatment device compatibility, prevents the formation of harmful engine sludge and deposits. Keeps key components cool, clean, lubricated and working at their best, providing an impressive 1.7% improvement in fuel economy.

Carlube KBU005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBU020
Packing Type Barrel
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.31/229.51, BMW LL-04, Porsche C30, VW 504 00/507 00
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 VW R-Tec 19
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Capacity 20 l
Specification ACEA C3-16, API SN
Carlube KBU020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBV001
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C2/C3 SP ORO NEX R-Tec 20
Carlube KBV001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBV005
Capacity 5 l
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Specification ACEA C3, API SN, MB 229.31/229.51/229.52, BMW LL-04
Type Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C2/C3 SP ORO NEX R-Tec 20

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 20 is a fully synthetic, mid-SAPS engine oil formulated to provide optimum durability for the latest generation of petrol and diesel engines.

Especially suitable for vehicles fitted with after-treatment devices such as DPFs, EGR or SCR systems.
Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 20 is a fully synthetic engine oil developed with the very latest synthetic technology for today’s modern vehicle requirements. Fully synthetic engine oils offer increased engine protection and longer engine life, reduced friction and enhanced lubrication during extreme chilly weather starts and increased fuel economy.

Carlube KBV005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBV020
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C2/C3 SP ORO NEX R-Tec 20
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Function Engine Oil
Carlube KBV020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBW001
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
Function Engine Oil
Capacity 1 l
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C3, API SN, MB 229.31
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 SP ORO NEX R-Tec 21
Packing Type Bottle

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 21 is a super-clean, ultra-high performing low SAPS passenger car engine oil, designed to maintain engine efficiency by protecting against deposit formation, thereby ensuring piston cleanliness.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 21 has been developed with low SAPS to protect expensive after-treatment devices. Incorrect lubricants can quickly block DPFs and poison SCRs devices, increasing exhaust back pressures and increase exhaust emissions.
Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 21 is fully compatible with exhaust after-treatment devices, supporting lower emissions and preventing expensive replacement costs or service bills. Exceptional performance when engines are coldest when at most risk

Carlube KBW001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBW005
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C3, API SN, MB 229.31
Capacity 5 l
Packing Type Bottle
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 SP ORO NEX R-Tec 21
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 21 is a super-clean, ultra-high performing low SAPS passenger car engine oil, designed to maintain engine efficiency by protecting against deposit formation, thereby ensuring piston cleanliness.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 21 has been developed with low SAPS to protect expensive after-treatment devices. Incorrect lubricants can quickly block DPFs and poison SCRs devices, increasing exhaust back pressures and increase exhaust emissions.
Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 21 is fully compatible with exhaust after-treatment devices, supporting lower emissions and preventing expensive replacement costs or service bills. Exceptional performance when engines are coldest when at most risk

Carlube KBW005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBW020
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Capacity 20 l
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3 SP ORO NEX R-Tec 21
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Barrel
Carlube KBW020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KBY001
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C2/C3 SPO ORO NEX R-Tec 23
Oil Specification ACEA C2, PSA B71 2290
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 23 is a trustworthy, reliable and robust engine oil that provides strong corrosion and wear protection to key components in an engine, maintaining a clean and high-performing engine for trouble-free driving.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 23 is a mid-SAPs oil suitable for all diesel/gasoline Euro 4 and Euro 5 cars.
It carries the PSA B71 2290 (2014) specification, attained through outstanding fuel economy test results, whilst providing the highest level of piston cleanliness and engine protection. This also helps protect the environment from damaging pollution and contributes towards cleaner air quality.

Carlube KBY001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBY005
Function Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C2, PSA B71 2290
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C2/C3 SPO ORO NEX R-Tec 23
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 5 l
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 23 is a trustworthy, reliable and robust engine oil that provides strong corrosion and wear protection to key components in an engine, maintaining a clean and high-performing engine for trouble-free driving.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 23 is a mid-SAPs oil suitable for all diesel/gasoline Euro 4 and Euro 5 cars.
It carries the PSA B71 2290 (2014) specification, attained through outstanding fuel economy test results, whilst providing the highest level of piston cleanliness and engine protection. This also helps protect the environment from damaging pollution and contributes towards cleaner air quality.

Carlube KBY005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBZ001
Capacity 1 l
SAE Viscosity 5W-40
Oil Specification ACEA C3, API SN, MB 229.31/229.51, BMW LL-04
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-40 C3 PSP ORO NEX R-Tec 27
Packing Type Bottle
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-40

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 27 is a super-clean, ultra-high performing low SAPS (low in Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus, and Sulfhur) passenger car engine oil, designed to maintain engine efficiency by protecting against deposit formation, thereby ensuring piston cleanliness.

Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 27 has been formulated to keep the piston ring grooves clean and free of deposits for as long as possible to support efficient combustion chamber performance preventing piston blow-by.
Fully compatible with exhaust after-treatment devices Provides protection, durability and performance benefits

Carlube KBZ001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KBZ005
Oil Specification ACEA C3, API SN, MB 229.31/229.51, BMW LL-04
Capacity 5 l
SAE Viscosity 5W-40
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-40
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-40 C3 PSP ORO NEX R-Tec 27

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 27 is a super-clean, ultra-high performing low SAPS (low in Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus, and Sulfhur) passenger car engine oil, designed to maintain engine efficiency by protecting against deposit formation, thereby ensuring piston cleanliness.

Triple R 5W-40 R-Tec 27 has been formulated to keep the piston ring grooves clean and free of deposits for as long as possible to support efficient combustion chamber performance preventing piston blow-by.
Fully compatible with exhaust after-treatment devices Provides protection, durability and performance benefits

Carlube KBZ005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KBZ020
Packing Type Barrel
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 20 l
SAE Viscosity 5W-40
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-40
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-40 C3 PSP ORO NEX R-Tec 27
Carlube KBZ020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCA001
Capacity 1 l
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C1, ST JLR.03.5005
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C1 LUB NEX R-TEC 24

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 24 is a fully synthetic, lower SAPS (Low in Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus, and Sulfur) engine oil designed to deliver advanced protection for the latest generation of petrol or diesel engines.

It is designed to reduce particulate build-up in the exhaust after-treatment systems.
Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 24 has been specially developed to meet and exceed the ACEA C1 specification. Engine oils meeting the C1 specification will increase the life of after-treatment devices and improve the vehicle’s fuel economy.

Carlube KCA001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCA005
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 5 l
Packing Type Bottle
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C1, ST JLR.03.5005
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C1 LUB NEX R-TEC 24
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 24 is a fully synthetic, lower SAPS (Low in Sulfated Ash, Phosphorus, and Sulfur) engine oil designed to deliver advanced protection for the latest generation of petrol or diesel engines.

It is designed to reduce particulate build-up in the exhaust after-treatment systems.
Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 24 has been specially developed to meet and exceed the ACEA C1 specification. Engine oils meeting the C1 specification will increase the life of after-treatment devices and improve the vehicle’s fuel economy.

Carlube KCA005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCA020
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C1 LUB NEX R-TEC 24
Packing Type Barrel
Capacity 20 l
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Carlube KCA020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCB001
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Oil Specification ACEA C4, MB 226.51, RN 0720
Function Engine Oil
Capacity 1 l
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3/C4 LUB NEX R-Tec 25

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 25 is a fully synthetic, low SAPS engine oil designed to deliver superior protection and performance for the latest generation of petrol and diesel engines.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 25 has been specially formulated to meet and exceed both the ACEA C3 and C4 specifications as well as Renault RN0720.
The Renault RN0720 performance parameters add to the ACEA baseline with additional performance requirements in areas such as detergency, oxidation, and durability; it is designed to reduce particulate build-up and poisoning within the after-treatment systems.

Carlube KCB001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCB005
Packing Type Bottle
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Capacity 5 l
Oil Specification ACEA C4, MB 226.51, RN 0720
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3/C4 LUB NEX R-Tec 25
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
Oil Synthetic Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 25 is a fully synthetic, low SAPS engine oil designed to deliver superior protection and performance for the latest generation of petrol and diesel engines.

Triple R 5W-30 R-Tec 25 has been specially formulated to meet and exceed both the ACEA C3 and C4 specifications as well as Renault RN0720.
The Renault RN0720 performance parameters add to the ACEA baseline with additional performance requirements in areas such as detergency, oxidation, and durability; it is designed to reduce particulate build-up and poisoning within the after-treatment systems.

Carlube KCB005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCB020
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-30
SAE Viscosity 5W-30
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Barrel
Capacity 20 l
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-30 C3/C4 LUB NEX R-Tec 25
Carlube KCB020 Engine Oil 20L

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Engine Oils

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