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Part number: KCF005
Oil Specification API SL
SAE Viscosity 20W-50
Specification API SL
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
Packing Type Bottle
Function Engine Oil
Oil Mineral Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 20W-50
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 20W-50 API SL R-Tec 37

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 20W-50 R-Tec 37 mineral oil is formulated using the highest quality blend of mineral-based oils.

Mineral oils are mixed with advanced technology additives to give high anti-wear and detergency properties, thus providing longer engine life and maintaining maximum performance.
Carlube Triple R 20W-50 is R-Tec 37 is tried, tested and proven to provide strong wear protection, face the stresses of everyday driving with ease, tackling cold winter months in Northern Europe and beyond.
It protects engine components, maintaining a clean and high performing motor and strong corrosion protection.

Carlube KCF005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCF020
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 20W-50 API SL R-Tec 37
Function Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 20W-50
SAE Viscosity 20W-50
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Type Engine Oil
Oil Mineral Oil
Specification API SL
Carlube KCF020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCG001
Specification API SE, CC
Extra Description Carlube Triple R SAE 30 R-Tec 40
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 30
Oil Specification API SE/CC
Oil Mineral Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 30
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 1 l
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R SAE 30 R-Tec 40 is a high-performance engine oil suitable for all naturally aspirated diesel engines and petrol engines where API SE is specified.

Blended from high-quality base stocks It contains low detergent additives, rust and corrosion inhibitors.
It provides good oxidation stability and can be used as a running-in oil.

Carlube KCG001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCG005
Specification API SE, CC
Function Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
SAE Viscosity 30
Oil Specification API SE/CC
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 30
Oil Mineral Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R SAE 30 R-Tec 40

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R SAE 30 R-Tec 40 is a high-performance engine oil suitable for all naturally aspirated diesel engines and petrol engines where API SE is specified.

Blended from high-quality base stocks It contains low detergent additives, rust and corrosion inhibitors.
It provides good oxidation stability and can be used as a running-in oil.

Carlube KCG005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCG020
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 30
Packing Type Barrel
Extra Description Carlube Triple R SAE 30 R-Tec 40
Function Engine Oil
Capacity 20 l
Type Engine Oil
Specification API SE, CC
SAE Viscosity 30
Oil Mineral Oil
Carlube KCG020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCH005
Specification API SF, CD
Extra Description Carlube Triple R SAE 50 R-Tec 43
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification API SF/CD
SAE Viscosity 50
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 50
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 5 l
Function Engine Oil
Oil Mineral Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R SAE 50 R-Tec 43 mineral oil is formulated using the highest quality blend of mineral-based oils.

Mineral oils are mixed with advanced technology additives to give high anti-wear and detergency properties, thus providing longer engine life and maintaining maximum performance.
Carlube Triple R SAE 50 R-Tec 43 is tried, tested, and proven to provide strong wear protection, face the stresses of everyday driving with ease, tackling cold winter months in Northern Europe and beyond.
It protects engine components, maintaining a clean and high performing motor and strong corrosion protection.

Carlube KCH005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCH020
Type Engine Oil
Oil Mineral Oil
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R SAE 50 R-Tec 43
Specification API SF, CD
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 50
SAE Viscosity 50
Carlube KCH020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCJ001
Specification ACEA A1/B1-12, A5/B5, API SL
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA A5/B5, API SL, Volvo 95200377
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 A5/B5 R-Tec 10
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 1 l
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Manufacturer Release Volvo VCC95200377
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 10 contains a unique technology that provides superior oxidation control, wear protection, cleanliness and acid neutralisation.

This oil has excellent low-temperature pump-ability with proven performance down to -40°C.
The oil protects bearings and vital components from weight loss, wear, and corrosion.
Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 10 provides excellent fuel economy performance and keeps engines clean by reducing the build-up of sludge in critical areas.

Carlube KCJ001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCJ005
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Packing Type Bottle
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Capacity 5 l
Function Engine Oil
Specification ACEA A1/B1-12, A5/B5, API SL
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 A5/B5 R-Tec 10
Manufacturer Release Volvo VCC95200377
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA A5/B5, API SL, Volvo 95200377

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 10 contains a unique technology that provides superior oxidation control, wear protection, cleanliness and acid neutralisation.

This oil has excellent low-temperature pump-ability with proven performance down to -40°C.
The oil protects bearings and vital components from weight loss, wear, and corrosion.
Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 10 provides excellent fuel economy performance and keeps engines clean by reducing the build-up of sludge in critical areas.

Carlube KCJ005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCJ020
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 A5/B5 R-Tec 10
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Manufacturer Release Volvo VCC95200377
Function Engine Oil
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Specification ACEA A1/B1-12, A5/B5, API SL
Carlube KCJ020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCK001
Type Mineral
Volume 1 L
SAE Viscosity 20W50
Oil Specification API SB/CB

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 20W-50 R-Tec 38 mineral oil is formulated using the highest quality blend of mineral based oils.

Mineral oils are mixed with advanced technology additives to give high anti-wear and detergency properties.
Thus providing longer engine life.

Carlube KCK001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCT001
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, API SL
Capacity 1 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-50 A3/B4 SP INF NEX R-Tec 29
SAE Viscosity 5W-50
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-50

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-50 R-Tec 29 fully synthetic motor oil is suited for a broad range of applications including motorsport, classic/collector cars and extreme driving conditions like towing and high operating temperatures.

Optimum engine performance and improved fuel economy
Exceptional all year round protection from cold start to high-temperature driving

Carlube KCT001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCT005
SAE Viscosity 5W-50
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, API SL
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-50 A3/B4 SP INF NEX R-Tec 29
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-50
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-50 R-Tec 29 fully synthetic motor oil is suited for a broad range of applications including motorsport, classic/collector cars and extreme driving conditions like towing and high operating temperatures.

Optimum engine performance and improved fuel economy
Exceptional all year round protection from cold start to high-temperature driving

Carlube KCT005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCU001
Packing Type Bottle
Specification ACEA C5-16, API SN, ILSAC GF-6A
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 JLR R-Tec 5
Capacity 1 l
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA C5, API SN, ST JLR.51.5122
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ST JLR.51.5122, MB 229.71
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 5 is a fully synthetic engine oil formulated to provide proven engine protection in those vehicles requiring the latest ACEA C5 specification, particularly new Jaguar Land Rover petrol and diesel engines.

Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 5 provides excellent viscosity increase control in both old and new engines. This oil offers strong performance in regard to engine cleanliness, and also provides excellent oxidation control even in the presence of biodiesel.
Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 5 exceeds all fuel economy requirements whilst also offering proven cam wear protection.

Carlube KCU001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCU005
Capacity 5 l
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 JLR R-Tec 5
Specification ACEA C5-16, API SN, ILSAC GF-6A
Oil Specification ACEA C5, API SN, ST JLR.51.5122
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ST JLR.51.5122, MB 229.71
Oil Synthetic Oil
Function Engine Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 5 is a fully synthetic engine oil formulated to provide proven engine protection in those vehicles requiring the latest ACEA C5 specification, particularly new Jaguar Land Rover petrol and diesel engines.

Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 5 provides excellent viscosity increase control in both old and new engines. This oil offers strong performance in regard to engine cleanliness, and also provides excellent oxidation control even in the presence of biodiesel.
Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 5 exceeds all fuel economy requirements whilst also offering proven cam wear protection.

Carlube KCU005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCU020
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 JLR R-Tec 5
Specification ACEA C5-16, API SN, ILSAC GF-6A
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 20 l
Packing Type Barrel
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Oil - manufacturer recommendation ST JLR.51.5122, MB 229.71
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Carlube KCU020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCX001
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-20
Oil Specification ACEA C5, API SN, Ford WSS-M2C948-B, ST JLR.03.5004
Capacity 1 l
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-20
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-20 SN LUB NEX C5 R-Tec 14
Function Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 14 meets the Ford M2C948-B specification, which is primarily designed for the 1.0 liter, three-cylinder EcoBoost engine, and also offers backward compatibility.

Engine oils that meet this specification must provide a 0.9% fuel economy improvement over regular 5W-20 oils during testing.
Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 14 reduces internal friction within the engine in order to deliver full power, while at the same time generating fuel savings.
As a lighter viscosity engine oil, Carlube Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 14 provides faster flow to engine parts even at low temperatures due to its extreme fluidity. This will result in reduced metal-to-metal contact and continuous oil flow around the engine.

Carlube KCX001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCX005
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-20
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Specification ACEA C5, API SN, Ford WSS-M2C948-B, ST JLR.03.5004
Capacity 5 l
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-20
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-20 SN LUB NEX C5 R-Tec 14

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 14 meets the Ford M2C948-B specification, which is primarily designed for the 1.0 liter, three-cylinder EcoBoost engine, and also offers backward compatibility.

Engine oils that meet this specification must provide a 0.9% fuel economy improvement over regular 5W-20 oils during testing.
Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 14 reduces internal friction within the engine in order to deliver full power, while at the same time generating fuel savings.
As a lighter viscosity engine oil, Carlube Triple R 5W-20 R-Tec 14 provides faster flow to engine parts even at low temperatures due to its extreme fluidity. This will result in reduced metal-to-metal contact and continuous oil flow around the engine.

Carlube KCX005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCX020
Capacity 25 l
Packing Type Barrel
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 5W-20
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 5W-20
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 5W-20 SN LUB NEX C5 R-Tec 14
Carlube KCX020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCY001
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification VW 508.00/509.00, Porsche C20
Specification ACEA C5, API SP with RC, ILSAC GF-6A
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 1 l
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW 508 00/509 00, Porsche C20
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 VW R-Tec 3

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 3 is a fully synthetic engine oil formulated to provide proven engine protection for the latest generation of VW petrol and diesel engines.

Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 3 provides exceptional wear protection for VW engines requiring the VW 508.00/509.00 specification.
This oil prevents the formation of sludge and therefore the build-up of potentially harmful deposits.
Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 3 has specific technology that reduces the likelihood of viscosity increase as a result of oxidation whilst also providing excellent fuel economy.

Carlube KCY001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCY005
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Specification VW 508.00/509.00, Porsche C20
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Specification ACEA C5, API SP with RC, ILSAC GF-6A
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 VW R-Tec 3
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW 508 00/509 00, Porsche C20
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 3 is a fully synthetic engine oil formulated to provide proven engine protection for the latest generation of VW petrol and diesel engines.

Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 3 provides exceptional wear protection for VW engines requiring the VW 508.00/509.00 specification.
This oil prevents the formation of sludge and therefore the build-up of potentially harmful deposits.
Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 3 has specific technology that reduces the likelihood of viscosity increase as a result of oxidation whilst also providing excellent fuel economy.

Carlube KCY005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KCY020
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Function Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Capacity 60 l
Packing Type Barrel
Specification ACEA C5, API SP with RC, ILSAC GF-6A
Oil - manufacturer recommendation VW 508 00/509 00, Porsche C20
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 VW R-Tec 3
Carlube KCY020 Engine Oil 20L
Part number: KCZ001
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 V R-Tec 2
Packing Type Bottle
Function Engine Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMW LL-17, Opel OV 040 1547, JLR STJLR 03-5006-1, Ford WSS-M2C947-B1, Ford WSS-M2C962-A1, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Chrysler MS-12145
Type Engine Oil
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Oil Specification ACEA C5, API SN, ILSAC GF-5, BMW LL-17 FE+, MB 229.71, Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE, Opel OV0401547, GM Dexos D
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 1 l
Manufacturer Release MB 229.71
Specification ACEA C5-21, C6-21, API SP with RC, ILSAC GF-6A

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 2 is suitable for the latest fuel-efficient cars meeting Euro 6 where 0W-20 SAE grade is recommended.

It keeps hot running engine components clean including the prevention of deposit in Turbochargers.
The SAPS level ensures after-treatment operation over its lifetime including engines equipped with Gasoline Particulate Filters.
Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 2 also provides multiple 0W-20 OEM specifications on one oil. This reduces complexity and the need to stock several oils.
The product delivers a high fuel economy in the latest OEM specifications. Delivers cleanliness and turbocharger protection in highly loaded engines

Carlube KCZ001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KCZ005
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 C5 V R-Tec 2
Type Engine Oil
Oil Specification ACEA C5, API SN, ILSAC GF-5, BMW LL-17 FE+, MB 229.71, Volvo VCC RBS0-2AE, Opel OV0401547, GM Dexos D
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMW LL-17, Opel OV 040 1547, JLR STJLR 03-5006-1, Ford WSS-M2C947-B1, Ford WSS-M2C962-A1, Fiat 9.55535-GSX, Chrysler MS-12145
Specification ACEA C5-21, C6-21, API SP with RC, ILSAC GF-6A
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Manufacturer Release MB 229.71
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Packing Type Bottle
Capacity 5 l

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 2 is suitable for the latest fuel-efficient cars meeting Euro 6 where 0W-20 SAE grade is recommended.

It keeps hot running engine components clean including the prevention of deposit in Turbochargers.
The SAPS level ensures after-treatment operation over its lifetime including engines equipped with Gasoline Particulate Filters.
Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 2 also provides multiple 0W-20 OEM specifications on one oil. This reduces complexity and the need to stock several oils.
The product delivers a high fuel economy in the latest OEM specifications. Delivers cleanliness and turbocharger protection in highly loaded engines

Carlube KCZ005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KEA001
Specification API SP Plus RC, ILSAC GF-5
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 1 l
Oil Specification API SN, API SN Plus RC, ILSAC GF-5, GM dexos 1
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Packing Type Bottle
Function Engine Oil
Oil Synthetic Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 6

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 6 is a trustworthy, reliable and robust engine oil that provides strong corrosion and wear protection to key components in an engine, maintaining a clean and high-performing engine for trouble-free driving.

Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 6 is suitable for the latest direct engine gasoline engines in preventing low-speed pre-ignition and has proven real-world performance in conventional and hybrid vehicles. They provide exceptional fuel economy particularly in 0W-16 as well as 0W-20 vehicles.
They are recommended by hybrid vehicle manufacturers because of their strong corrosion control, sludge control and excellent water tolerance.

Carlube KEA001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KEB001
Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SL
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-30
Function Engine Oil
Oil Mineral Oil
Capacity 1 l
SAE Viscosity 10W-30
Type Engine Oil
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.3
Packing Type Bottle
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SL, MB 229.1, VW 501.01/505.00
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-30 A3/B4 R-Tec 30

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 10W-30 R-Tec 30 is a high-performance diesel engine oil, proven to provide excellent wear protection through various demanding tests.

Test results show that Carlube Triple R 10W-30 R-Tec 30 provided 37% less cam wear than the ACEA A3/B4 test limit requirement.
Carlube Triple R 10W-30 R-Tec 30 improves engine cleanliness, providing up to 14% better performance than the ACEA A3/B4 test limit in the average engine sludge test and also achieving over 60% better piston cleanliness than the ACEA A3/B4 test limit requires. Outstanding engine cleanliness and protection

Carlube KEB001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KEB005
Function Engine Oil
Oil Mineral Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 10W-30
Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SL
Oil - manufacturer recommendation MB229.3
Type Engine Oil
Capacity 5 l
Oil Specification ACEA A3/B3, A3/B4, API SL, MB 229.1, VW 501.01/505.00
SAE Viscosity 10W-30
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 10W-30 A3/B4 R-Tec 30
Packing Type Bottle

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 10W-30 R-Tec 30 is a high-performance diesel engine oil, proven to provide excellent wear protection through various demanding tests.

Test results show that Carlube Triple R 10W-30 R-Tec 30 provided 37% less cam wear than the ACEA A3/B4 test limit requirement.
Carlube Triple R 10W-30 R-Tec 30 improves engine cleanliness, providing up to 14% better performance than the ACEA A3/B4 test limit in the average engine sludge test and also achieving over 60% better piston cleanliness than the ACEA A3/B4 test limit requires. Outstanding engine cleanliness and protection

Carlube KEB005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KEC001
Oil Specification API SN, ILSAC GF-5 An oil meeting these demanding specifications must demonstrate a range of performance parameters.
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Oil Synthetic Oil
Capacity 1 l
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 SP GF-6A LUB NEX R-Tec 4
Type Engine Oil
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Packing Type Bottle

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 4 has been formulated to meet API SN and ILSAC GF-5 specifications. An oil meeting these demanding specifications must demonstrate a range of performance parameters.

Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 4 delivers excellent performance in both engine protection and cleanliness.
It provides high-temperature deposit protection for pistons and turbochargers whilst improving sludge control.
Additional benefits include enhanced fuel-efficiency and ethanol fuel compatibility.

Carlube KEC001 Engine Oil 1L
Part number: KEC005
Capacity 5 l
Type Engine Oil
Packing Type Bottle
SAE Viscosity 0W-20
Oil Specification API SN, ILSAC GF-5 An oil meeting these demanding specifications must demonstrate a range of performance parameters.
Function Engine Oil
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-20 SP GF-6A LUB NEX R-Tec 4
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-20
Oil Synthetic Oil

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 4 has been formulated to meet API SN and ILSAC GF-5 specifications. An oil meeting these demanding specifications must demonstrate a range of performance parameters.

Triple R 0W-20 R-Tec 4 delivers excellent performance in both engine protection and cleanliness.
It provides high-temperature deposit protection for pistons and turbochargers whilst improving sludge control.
Additional benefits include enhanced fuel-efficiency and ethanol fuel compatibility.

Carlube KEC005 Engine Oil 5L
Part number: KFA001
Oil Viscosity Classification SAE 0W-30
Oil Specification BMW LL-12 FE
Extra Description Carlube Triple R 0W-30 C2 BMW R-Tec 11
Oil Synthetic Oil
Type Engine Oil
Specification ACEA C2-12, API
SAE Viscosity 0W-30
Oil - manufacturer recommendation BMW LL-12 FE
Function Engine Oil
Capacity 1 l
Packing Type Bottle

Additional Information

Carlube Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 11 is an ultra-high performing engine oil that has been developed to provide maximum engine protection, fuel economy savings and meet the exacting requirements of BMW LL-12 FE performance level.

Triple R 0W-30 R-Tec 11 delivers a substantial fuel economy without compromising wear performance.
This oil provides excellent performance in piston cleanliness in a whole wide range of engines, controlling the viscosity increase, reducing the formation of sludge and keeping the turbocharger clean, for better engine efficiency and power output.
It provides enhanced engine reliability by controlling wear on critical engine parts exposed to severe mechanical stress.

Carlube KFA001 Engine Oil 1L

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Engine Oils

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